Monday, June 23, 2008

Pink Five and 10 wallpapers

Pink Five!
Can't really say much about this film. ok. Fan Film. But it is AWESOME!!!Go watch them.

The 10
Wow. 10. Didn't think I'd post this many at once. Anyway here they are in all their glory. And I'll be posting links to the artist's site(s) of each peice of art from now on and for each card. I'd post the link for where I got the jpeg to make each one, but there is only so much searching that I want to do again. :)

Magic is starting a new series of decks that I doubt I'll ever be able to buy and those are the Duel Decks and From the Vault decks. The first two are the Elves Vs. Goblins and From the Vault: Dragons. The Elves vs. Goblins deck features art by Zoltan Boros and Gabor Szikszai. The art used here for From the Vault: Dragons is by Justin Sweet.

I know that Morningtide has been out for a while now. I am just lazy. :p Sadly, or happily Shadowmoor's box art was already made into a wallpaper, so I don't have to it. Morningtide Fat Pack box art by Steve Prescott.

Everyone likes premium version and alternate art right? How about Avatar of Discord and Oros, the Avenger? Alternate versions of these were given out at their respective prereleases. Discord art by rk post. Oros by Daren Bader (who doesn't seem to have a site).

Brandon Kitkouski does some amazing artwork. Pictured here are Farhaven Elf, Fencer's Magemark, and Inflitrator's Magemark.

Chippy is another artist that I can't seem to find for the life of me. Kev Walker too. All I can find are those two links and posts on forums. Chippy's artwork for Voidmage Husher is so hauntenly beautiful...I couldn't NOT make it into a wallpaper. This second work by Kev Walker I found on the aforementioned forum. It was purchased by a fan and as of yet does not appear on a Magic: the Gathering card. If it appears somewhere else, I'd like to know. :)

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