Saturday, August 23, 2008

Magic and Olympics

What a busy week. My dog got out and got injured, tons of school work, and just all sorts of stuff! I also found out that itunes was messing up my comp so I deleted it. :( Anyway here are some more wallpapers.

Auriok Champion from Fifth Dawn by Mike Sutfin.
Muriok Scavenger from Mirrodin scanned from the card by Puddnhead.

Some fantastic photos from the Olympic Games. These are all from day 5. I hope to make another one too. Request from my wife. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Again!
Now that Alara comes out, can you do a wallpaper with the mix of all 5 fat pack art? Like ravnica, guildpact and dissension one?
Thanks! ^^
Here you can find all 5 arts:

Thanks again ^^