So much to post! There's a bunch on my site. I finally post my wallpapers of my main on Feathermoon, one of an Emerald Welping and of some random Horde I started stalking in my boredom. There's one more I've got to post later.
M&Ms had to make a video, but not a wallpaper of the Addams Family! :'( So I had to make one myself...and sadly it is blurry. If I can I'll make another.
Enjoy the last two. One is from the other I made up from a Veggie Tales media center thingy. hehe.
Finally! This took forever to make simply because I have so may pets n this character. And yes for those of you who play I really do have that many. Most of them sit in my bank because I simply do not have that much room. I had originally thought that I had 45 pets, but I miss counted. oh well. Hopefully soon I'll have more. hehe