Monday, February 26, 2007

Something a little different

Here are the first 2 wallpapers that I have made using art from the World of Warcraft: Trading Card Game. Finished them last night. Enjoy!
also a wallpaper I rook off and updated: Rhox from the Starter release of Magic: the Gathering.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

More Wallpapers from Magic: the Gathering and Lego

Here's the last of the wallpapers I've made so far. They are grouped by subject and media. These first ones have quotes from the cards they are based off of. I really liked how these came out:

These next wallpapers have no quotes and have most or all of the art from the cards they are from. I especially like "Wrath and Damnation":

These next ones were made to look some what like cards:

These have art from one cad and other cards placed on top of them. "Urban Angels" is actually a wallpaper I made with MS Paint and forgot to place with the others.

These are made with pictures of Legos sets. Lego didn't have any of Spongebob so I made them myself:

Tokens and Cards

Hehe...I know I'm posting a lot here, but I've been making a lot of these and I had to post them. Here are some cards whom I've either made up completely or changed the art. So far I have 3 cards. The little green expansion symbol is one of my own design. it is a little alien.

and 10 tokens:

First are the ones I made for Timespiral. Most have art that you will see on Magic: Online. The color of the expansion symbols are based on the most common card that produces the token.

The serf is found in Timespiral, but I wanted to give it the symbol from Homelands. Other sets:

The first Wallpapers made with MS Paint

Here are the first few Magic: the Gathering wallpapers I made on MS paint. I love Photoshop now. :)

These following were also made on Paint but have other subjects. The first two were made in college. I had learned how to say somethings in Persian that I learned in Mexico or came out funny. The first one means "good girls go to heaven but bad girls go everywhere (dokhtarhaa ye kub beh behesht miravand vali dokhtarhaa ye bad be hameh jaayi miravand)." I had seen that one on a bus. The second was a mispronounciation. The student said "every soldier has a butterfly" instead of file. On the wallpaper it is written in Persian, Spanish and English in Aurubesh script. The last...well I was bored one day.

First post

Welcome to my blog! I hope to be able to posts wallpapers and cards I've made for Magic: the Gathering and other things. I hope you enjoy them!
Just for copyright issues: most of the wallpapers I'll post here are collages made from someone else's work and that is why I'm not gonna put my name on them. :)
Here's a few wallpapers to start (images are TM and Copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc.):